Central Duplicating (WebCRD)
Overview Central Duplicating is housed at District Office at 1200 Shakopee Town Square. Central Duplicating offers following services: Printing Standard / Heavy Paper Various colors Binding Glue / Spiral Punch Punch ring binder holes Cutting Cut sheets to desired sizes Delete Login Central Duplicating portal can be accessed on and off District net...
Install a Printer (Mac)
School Printers School printers are installed on Macs using Self Service. Staff have access to most printers and copiers at their primary building. If a printer does not appear in Self Service, staff can request they be given access by opening a help desk ticket, For example, if a teacher's primary building is Sweeney Elementary and they are teachin...
Install a Printer (PC)
1. Click on the start menu and search for Control Panel. 2. Select Hardware and Sound. 3. Select Devices and Printers. 4. Select Add Printer. 5. Select the option: “The Printer that I want isn't listed” at the bottom and click Next. 6. Select the option: Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature and click Next. 7. Enter the name...
Email to Print
Email to Print service is available for people who have district accounts, but are not using district computers or do not have access to connect to the district internal network. For example, contractors or other short term employees. Supported File Types Only the following file types are supported with Email to Print. PDFs (Convert a document to PD...
PrintRelease (Konica MFPs)
Overview Notice As of January 2022 we are replacing all of the Canon MFP devices with similarly outfitted Konica devices. This page features notes on usage and features of Konica Minolta copiers. Usage Login via Username/Password or RFID Card (requires initial registration of card) Features Printing, Scanning Info Typically there are two (2) Konica...
Filter Failed
Mac - Filter Failed One of the common errors you may run into is the filter failed message. This indicates a driver problem, either needing new drivers installed or the driver being incompatible with the document. Some fonts cause this and the driver doesn't understand what the fonts are. Update drivers 1. In Self Service, reinstall the HP Printer D...