Compromised Account

Written by Christopher Lee

Last published at: February 14th, 2023

The following steps should be completed after an Office 365 e-mail ( account has been compromised. 

Change your account password through the Microsoft portal:



You will need to update this password wherever it may be used: 

  • Any email application (Outlook, Mail, etc) 
  • Any personal device that connects to SabersWireless

If not contacted by Shakopee Technology to start process open ticket and inform your account was compromised.

Provide details on any suspicious emails or websites you may have click or gone on to.

Log into Office 365 - Outlook portal:

  • Username is full email address
  • Password is district password

Click gear in upper right

Scroll down and click Mail

On left menu bar click "Inbox and sweep rules"

Remove any rules that you did not create or look unusual.



Usually named something like: delete / . 

But, rule names can vary in creativity depending on the malicious party or code that created them. 

The purpose of checking is to confirm that no mail routing rules have been created to delete or hide incoming email.

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