Mailbox Delegation

Written by Christopher Lee

Last published at: July 27th, 2024


What is mailbox delegation?

Similar to having an assistant that helps you manage your incoming paper mail, another person, known as a delegate, can receive and respond to email messages and meeting requests and responses on your behalf. You can also grant the delegate additional permissions to read, create, or change items in your Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox.

Who should use delegation?

This is not generally recommended except for administrative assistants or similar circumstances.

What does Delegate Access do?

Delegate Access goes beyond just sharing access to your folders. Delegates are granted additional permissions, such as creating email messages or responding to meeting requests on your behalf.

Additional details here: Microsoft - What does Delegate Access do?

What permission levels are there?


With this permission, the delegate can read items in your folders.


With this permission, the delegate can read and create items, and change and delete items that he or she creates. For example, a delegate can create task requests and meeting requests directly in your Task or Calendar folder and then send the item on your behalf.


With this permission, the delegate can do everything that an Author has permission to do and additionally can change and delete the items that you created.


Assigning a Delegate

Granting access

These steps are for granting or giving someone (Delegate) access to your mailbox.


Select Outlook platform\version to continue.

Outlook for Mac


Outlook for Windows


In Outlook, go to the Tools menu and select Account.

Click on your account (upper left corner) and then click Advanced (lower right corner).

Go to the Delegates section.

In the section Delegates who can act on my behalf select the + symbol.

Type in a email address to search for the person.  Once found, select the desired entry and click Add.

Select desired permission to delegate.

Additional Resources:

Click OK to complete the process.

Launch Outlook and select the File tab.

Next, select Account Settings. A drop-down menu displays.


Select Delegate Access from the drop-down menu. The Delegates screen displays.


On the Delegates screen, select the Add... button. The Add Users screen displays.


  1. Locate the name of the person to which you want to grant delegate access.
  2. Highlight their name by selecting it with your mouse cursor.
  3. Select the Add -> button.
  4. Select the OK button.

The Delegate Permissions screen displays.


  1. Select the appropriate permissions for the person to whom you are granting delegate access.

Additional Resources:

When you are finished, select the OK button. The Delegates screen displays.

  1. Select the OK button.

Adding Delegated Mailbox to Outlook

Accessing shared mailbox

These steps are for accessing a mailbox you have been given permission to (Delegated).


Select Outlook platform\version to continue.

Outlook for Mac


Outlook for Windows


In Outlook, go to the Tools menu and select Account.

Click on your account (upper left corner) and then click Advanced (lower right corner).

Go to the Delegates section.

In the section Open these additional mailboxes select the + symbol.

Type in a email address to search for the person\shared mailbox.  Once found, select the desired entry and click Add.


In Outlook, Click on the File menu.

Click Account Settings then Account Settings...

Select account to edit and click Change

From Change Account window click More Settings...

Click Advanced tab. Click Add.

Enter email address of mailbox to be delegate for and click OK

Click OK until back to normal Outlook window.

May need to close and re-launch outlook for mailbox to load.




Revoking Delegate

Write your initial question/sentence to troubleshoot

Outlook for Mac


Outlook for Windows

Launch Outlook, go to the Tools menu and select Account.

Click on your account (upper left corner) and then click Advanced (lower right corner).

Go to the Delegates section.

  1. Highlight the name of the delegate you want to remove.
  2. Select the Remove button (-). 
    • The name of the delegate is removed from the Delegates screen.
  3. Select the OK button. The Delegates screen closes.


Launch Outlook and select the File tab.

Next, select Account Settings. A drop-down menu displays.


Select Delegate Access from the drop-down menu. The Delegates screen displays.


  1. Highlight the name of the delegate you want to remove.
  2. Select the Remove button. The name of the delegate is removed from the Delegates screen.
  3. Select the OK button. The Delegates screen closes.