Canvas Updates: Spring 2023 Edition

Written by Eric Hills

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Canvas has periodic updates throughout the school year and some of them are easy to miss. Below are a few highlights of features that hopefully will make using Canvas easier and save you time in the grading process. If you are curious to learn more about Canvas updates, check out their Release Notes page and check out their Product Roadmap to see what's coming.

Three Ways to Quickly Mark Assignments Missing 

There are a few different methods you can use to quickly mark assignments missing in Canvas, including keyboard shortcuts, using the default grade function, and the "apply score to ungraded" functions. For a more detailed guide on "apply score to ungraded," click here.

Copy/Paste and Drag/Drop Files into Canvas

Previously, if you copy/pasted an image into Canvas, it would appear there for you but would not appear for students. That has all changed! You can now drag and drop or copy/paste a file directly into the Canvas Rich Content Editor and it will upload the image to your Canvas Files. Huge time saver! 

Submit File on Behalf of Student (available 3/18/23)

Sometimes a student cannot submit an assignment for whatever reason. Maybe they lost their device, are having technical issues, or they have a poor internet connection. Starting on 3/18/23, teachers will be able to submit a file on behalf of a student.