Teacher Website Guide

Written by Ty Willmsen

Last published at: April 28th, 2022

Sign In to the Shakopee Schools Website with your computer username & password

1. Click + to expand My Account > Site Manager

2. Click Welcome page or Actions > Edit Page

3. Hoover your mouse over the Welcome page -> Click the green Edit pencil


Required Information

You will edit the About Me and Details sections as described below.

4. About Me

  • Enter Name
  • Biography section:  Introduction, Welcome, Personal info, Education, or anything relevant to your classroom.  No dates or reference to school years
  • Upload School Photo- please do not upload a selfie or personal photo.  We have a consistent size with our vendor photos which are shared after picture day in the fall
  • Save

5. Details

  • Enter Email Address
  • Enter School Phone Number and VM Extension (use periods . not dashes - 952.496.5152 #6789)  Classroom teachers are NOT direct dial.  

    School Phone numbers:
    HS- 952.496.5152         EC- 952.496.5922
    TLC- 952.496.5892       JC 952.496.5802
    EMS- 952.496.5702      RO- 952.496.5952
    WMS- 952.496.5752     SP- 952.496.5892
    PELC- 952.496.5862    SW- 952.496.5832

  • Degrees and Certifications are optional;  Feel free to add!
  • Click Save

6. Finished layout examples