What are module requirements?
You can require students to complete the defined requirements within the module before the module will be marked complete. You can require students to complete all requirements in the module, or have them choose one item to fulfill a specific requirement.
Why use module requirements?
- You might want students to work through module content in a specific order.
- You might want students to earn a minimum score to progress to the next activity.
- You might want students to actively mark work as done or submit assignments rather than passively clicking through content. This is a great option for self-paced work.
- You might want to track the learning process in Canvas as a formative assessment to see what each student has completed within the module.
- You might want students to track their learning process to see what they have completed within the module. Once students complete a requirement they see a green checkmark, so they can quickly see which items they have completed in the module.
How do I use module requirements?
Module Setup Directions
Access the Canvas Instructor Guides for complete information and step-by-step directions.
Track the Learning Process
For Teachers: Go to Modules and click on View Progress.

This would be a great opportunity to find a time to confer with students at different stages of your course.
For Students: Here is an example student view where the module requirements were not setup sequentially. The student can easily see which items are required, what is required, and whether the requirements have been met.